There is only one way to understand Calabria, visit the Statti Farm

The ancient name of Calabria, “Enotria Tellus” (“Land of Wine”), offers a straightforward introduction to this fascinating land, which has always been dedicated to producing wines.

Amid the plain of Lamezia Terme, agricultural heart of Calabria, there are ninety persons working in the Azienda Agricola Statti (Statti Farmhouse) on three hundred hectares of a centuries old olive grove, a hundred hectare of vineyard, fifty hectare of citrus orchard and a cattle-breeding, producing five thousand litres of milk per day.
We are talking about five hundred hectares if we consider the fit for sowing too. Alberto and Antonio Satti are used to say that working here means producing a complex vital energy, making efforts to integrate more and more the different cultivations in an harmonic and dependent way. A symphony of life, more than playing a solo of wine and oil, milk and clementines.
Here the vineyard is fertilized with manure and while the cellarman is busy with the batonage in the underground cellar, his colleague not far from him prepares the oil mill, while the newly born calves moo. The Carolea olive on the hill overlooks the espaliers of Mantonico, Greco and Gaglioppo, conscious of representing with their uniqueness those typical and genuine products that Calabria has been offering for more than two thousand years on the tables all around the world. And the Statti Family has been organizing this vital orchestra for two hundred years, with the simplicity of ever.

Visit statti territories

Visiting our company means becoming part of a modern reality with ancient rhythms, especially human ones.
It means enjoying a break in peace and nature walking through hundreds of hectares of silent olive groves and leafy vineyards, among squirrels, badgers and marsh birds, an entire ecosystem gathered in five hundred hectares.